Keynote Speech by U Thant Kyaw
Chairman, Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies
14th July 2023
Chatrium Hotel, Yangon

His Excellency U Kyaw Myo Htut, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar
His Excellency Mr. Chen Hai, Ambassador of the People’s Republic China to Myanmar
Distinguished Participants from MLC countries, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Mingalabar to you all!
  • I would like to warmly welcome to the opening ceremony of the “Seminar on Cooperation on Non-Traditional Security Matters among MLC countries”.
  • The Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies is deeply honored to organize this Seminar with the support of LMC Special Fund.
  • The LMC Special Fund has supported more than 600 projects in the region and made wide contributions to the regional development.
  • Since the start of the Lancang- Mekong Cooperation mechanism, with the joint efforts of all MLC countries, it has become one of the most dynamic mechanisms for potential development in the subregion.
  • For Myanmar, the special fund has financed 92 projects in 34 sectors covering 16 ministries and agencies. This brings assistance to the people of Myanmar as well as tangible benefits and contributions to the regional sustainable development.
Excellencies, participants and guests,
  • It is natural and unavoidable for the international landscape to be endlessly changing. Pros and cons intertwine, positives and negatives seek balance, merits and demerits jostle for attention, costs and benefits compete to be evaluated: the list is endless.
  • Changes cannot happen alone and will impact others in turn, especially the immediate neighborhood and spread into the wider international community. No nation or community can escape being impacted by others.
  • Cooperation among nations must be promoted, nurtured and enhanced if a brighter future for our peoples is to be ensured.
  • To confront the risk and challenges of the International Community, there is a proposal on the Global Security Initiative (GSI) by the Chinese President. The proposal calls on countries to adapt to the profoundly changing international landscape in the spirit of solidarity, and address the complex and intertwined security challenges with a win-win mindset.
  • The GSI aims to eliminate the root causes of international conflicts, improve global security governance, encourage joint international efforts to bring more stability and certainty to a volatile and changing era, and promote durable peace and development throughout the world.
  • If there is to be a foundation for creating a positive outlook managing the regional and international situation, peace is at the basis of any changes in the international arena. If we wish for long lasting peace, we must determine the root causes of instability and examine the extension of traditional and non-traditional security matters.
  • In turn, this requires sustainability in the following fields: the strengthening of rules and regulations; stronger reinforcement of these by law enforcement agencies and enhanced security mechanisms.
  • These are challenges where education also plays a major role, and I believe that intellectual circles can develop and float ideas and inspirations that could make at least a token contribution towards the efforts of decision makers to face up to these challenges.
Excellencies, Distinguished Guest,
  • Peace and security are at risk under unprecedented challenges throughout the world and Mekong-Lancang area is no exception. Thus, it is a matter of urgency to take non-traditional security matters into consideration.
  • If I may refer to the Joint Press Communiqué of the Seventh Mekong- Lancang Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on 4th July 2022, in Bagan, it emphasized the enhancement of regional cooperation in order to jointly safeguard the region in the context of Non-traditional Security Matters.
  • These include terrorism, human trafficking, illicit drug trafficking, cybercrimes, cross-border gambling and telecom frauds, and so forth. In addition, some social issues like poverty reduction and food security are calling on us for practical cooperation since the well-being of the people of the MLC has never been more important.
  • Considering these highlights, today’s Seminar will be focused on two main wings under the chief topic of “Challenges to non-traditional security matters: emphasizing combating terrorism; human trafficking; cybercrimes including online gambling and scamming” and “Cooperation on matters focusing on food security among MLC and reduction of extreme poverty”.
  • The purpose of this seminar is to provide an intellectual assistance to the MLC cooperation mechanism especially concerning the monitoring, prevention, and controlling of transnational security matters. The outcome will be submitted to the respective mechanism of the MLC.
  • I look forward to receiving intellectual thoughts and suggestions from today’s honored participants and guests in order to counter the daunting challenges our region is facing in matters of non-transnational security.
  • I have the honor to highlight and thank the MLC think tank members for your presence at this seminar. Without your wisdom and will of cooperation, the seminar cannot be worthwhile.
  • Lastly, but not least, I would like to thank my team, the Myanmar- ISIS for their all-out efforts and hard work.
  • Thank you.
