Keynote Speech by H.E. U Kyaw Myo Htut
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
14th July 2023 (09:30hr – 10:30hr)
Chatrium Hotel, Yangon

Excellency Ambassador Mr. Chen Hai,
Representatives from Mekong-Lancang Embassies,
Chairman of Myanmar-ISIS U Thant Kyaw,
Participants from Mekong-Lancang countries,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning and Mingalarbar!

  • It is my honour for being with all of you for the opening ceremony of the seminar on “Cooperation on Non-traditional Security Matters among MLC countries.”
  • First of all, I do appreciate the tireless efforts of Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies (Myanmar-ISIS) for the well-organized arrangement of this seminar with the support of MLC Special Fund (2021).
  • At the same time, I would like to extend my profound thanks and appreciation to the People’s Republic of China for its thoughtful support to Myanmar and all other Mekong countries through Mekong-Lancang Cooperation platform.
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,
  • It is pleasure to recall the foresighted aspiration of our leaders to transform Mekong-Lancang region to be a peaceful, prospered and sustainably developed region through Mekong-Lancang Cooperation platform. We are now picking the fruits that our leaders sowed in 2016.
  • Over Seven year journey of Mekong-Lancang Cooperation, we all have been benefiting the success of our cooperation across various areas. I am confident to mention that Mekong-Lancang Cooperation brings peoples and countries along the Lancang-Mekong River together as a family bounded by the MLC family spirit.
  • Technically, Mekong-Lancnag Cooperation is the youngest cooperation mechanism in the Mekong Region. However, MLC became the most practical and effective mechanism in generating tangible success in quantity, quality, speed and efficiency. It is undeniable that the principles we uphold in every corner of our cooperation are the catalyst of our cooperation to be pragmatic, dynamic and effective mechanism.
  • Since the establishment of MLC Special Fund in 2017 by the 300 million USD contribution of China, Myanmar received in total of 106 Special Fund projects to date, worth of 31.6 million USD, in the various areas providing practical benefits to the people of Myanmar as well as supporting our national endeavour to meet UN SDG 2030.
  • Myanmar currently has been taking responsibilities of MLC co-chairmanship together with the permanent Co-chair China since 2020. I wish to inform that during our Co-chairmanship, we have been able to co-host several activities including 6th MLC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Chongqing and 7th MLC Foreign Minsters’ Meeting in Bagan. Those are the milestone of our cooperation in materializing the aspiration of our Leaders.
Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,
  • We all aware that our world has currently been facing numerous challenges of both traditional and non-traditional. Among them, non-traditional security issues are one of the emerging threats hindering peace, stability and socioeconomic development of the Mekong-Lancang region since it has broader scope and deeper underlying by nature.
  • We understand that there are many issues under the scope of non-traditional security matters such as energy security, food security, climate change, infectious diseases, natural disaster, and transnational crimes including human trafficking, drug trafficking and so on.
  • Under the MLC cooperation, we gave our dedicated priority to the non-traditional security matters. In the Vientiane Declaration of 3rd Leaders’ Meeting, our leaders clearly directed to enhance cooperation to address non-traditional security issues. I am pleased to see the discussion topics of this Seminar is well-aligned with the current global and regional situation and provides a platform to exchange of information, sharing best practices and coordination among MLC countries in responding non-traditional security issues.
  • In this regards, I would like to congratulate Myanmar-ISIS team for the relentless efforts in organizing this important seminar. And I would also like to thank again to the Peoples’ Republic China for supporting the project.

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,

  • In conclusion, as a Co-chair and a responsible member of Mekong-Lancang Cooperation, I would like to reiterate our commitments of active cooperation in safeguarding peace, stability, and facilitating sustainable inclusive development in the Mekong-Lancang region.
  • I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the participants from MLC countries and relevant agencies for their participation.
  • I wish this seminar to have meaningful discussions and fruitful outcomes.
  • I thank you.
