Welcome speech by U Thant Kyaw
Chairman, MISIS

25th November, 2022, MOFA, Yangon

Distinguished Professors from Russia,
Distinguished Guest and Colleagues

Mingalabar! Warmest Greetings!

I would like to welcome the delegates from the Russian Universities and the participants of Myanmar to this “Discussion on Russia- Myanmar: Expanding Opportunities on Education and Science”.

Thank you to each and every one of you for attending with us.

I believe that this event will serve as an another starting point for expanding and enhancing Myanmar-Russian cooperation in the area of education and science in the years ahead. Also surely contribute to further enhancement of Myanmar-Russia bilateral relations.

Academic related meetings are always important for us. Nurturing the wisdom, developing Human resources and capacity building are one of the basic fundamental foundations for a nation and also, these need a great patience on time: sometimes they last from generations to generations.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our two countries established diplomatic relations on 18 February 1948. In the next year, we are going to celebrate the diamond jubilee of the establishment of diplomatic relations. When looking back the 75 year history of our bilateral relations, there are some milestones events:

– Myanmar’s first goodwill visit to USSR by former Prime Minister U Nu was in 1955 October. Soviet leaders Mr. Nikita Khrushchev and Mr. Nikolai A. Bulganin made the return visits in December the same year.

– Mr. Nikita Khrushchev visited Myanmar again in 1960 and reached a trade agreement. The Rangoon Institute of Technology, Taunggyi General Hospital and Yangon Inya Lake Hotel are some fruits of such cooperation.

– In 1997, Myanmar and Russia reached an agreement on cooperation in the fight against Narcotic Drugs.

– In May 1999, an agreement on consultation between the foreign ministries of the two countries was signed. It was the first such agreement for us to sign with the other foreign ministries.

In 2016, the two countries signed an agreement on military cooperation and now we are participating in the annual International Army games.

– in 2022 August, Russian Foreign Minister H.E. Mr. Lavrov visited Myanmar and held Myanmar-Russia Foreign Office Consultation. During his visit Myanmar-Russia Foreign Office Consultation (2022-24) was signed by the two foreign Ministers.

– Myanmar-Russia Friendship Association was formed in 2015 and Chairman, currently, is the former Deputy Defence Minister Brigadier General Aung Thaw. The professors are going to meet him tomorrow at our MISIS Office.

– In January 2022, Russia donated 400,000 doses of Sputnik Light Covid-19 vaccines to Myanmar, and Myanmar bought 600,000 doses of Sputnik Light Covid-19 vaccines from Russia.

As time went by Myanmar-Russia relations have grown and become vibrant nowadays.

Very recently, on the 7th September, our two leaders met at Vladivostok at the 7th Eastern Economic Forum-2022.

The two leaders frankly exchanged views on bilateral cooperation in all sectors covering diplomatic relations, political, economic, social, education, health, monetary and banking sectors, cooperation in science and technology, aerospace and satellite technological cooperation, development of tourism sectors in both countries, the invitation to investments from Russia to Myanmar, peaceful utilization of nuclear energy for the development of socioeconomic measures.

I believe that from the overview on Myanmar-Russia bilateral relations, I just presented to you, we can foresee further enhancement of bilateral relations and cooperation in various sectors.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

One of the sectors where we will see enhanced cooperation is education. Myanmar-Russia bilateral cooperation in the field of higher education began in 1972. Twelve Myanmar students were allowed to study in Moscow University and six Russian students in Yangon University. Now, there are several thousands of Myanmar students who have earned master’s or doctorates from various Russian universities.

At present, consultations have been made to establish Russia Center in the Foreign Language University in Yangon. And, there is a proposal on an agreement between the Government of the Russia Federation and the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on mutual recognition of education, qualifications and academic degrees. Myanmar departments concerned have been making necessary processing.

Myanmar is a developing country and it needs skilled manpower and vocational education graduates. We have a high demand for skilled people in both the government as well as the private sector. There is a vast opportunity we could work in the vocational education field too.

In conclusion, I wish to thank to the Russian academic delegation, the Strategic Studies and Training Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Thayninga Institute and of course, MISIS team for their active cooperation in realizing this event.

Furthermore, I would like to appreciate in advance to the speakers for their academic views, suggestions and active roles in seeking out for possible cooperation and the way forward of future Myanmar-Russian Education Sector.

Thank you very much.